Friday, January 4, 2013


Today we're eating Jarlsberg.  We got it at Food Lion.  It has big old holes in the side, which made Steve say that it was Swiss cheese, but the internet claims it is Norwegian.  I'm usually not a huge fan of Swiss cheese, I don't care for the artificially sweet taste.  This Jarlsberg isn't bad though.  It still tastes artifically sweet, but this time I imagine it coming from a cow and not a machine.  I'm pretty sure that the cows that make the milk for Jarlsberg cheese look like this:

I'm pretty sure because the internet also told me that this is something that answers the question "What are some Norwegian cows?"
Other things the internet told me about Jarlsberg include that the cheese's bubbles are called "eyes" which makes me sort of hate it, and that our particular cheese was probably made in Ohio.  I guess if that's the case, the cow would look like this:
Which really just looks like an all American cow to me.  So, if Swiss cheese is really Norwegian cheese, and my cows are Ohioannite, does that mean that Norwegian cheese is really just American cheese?
Wait, how much did I just pay for American cheese?  Crap.

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